Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is considered a natural, holistic medical system. TCM considers that most human disease and disorders result from conflict or fighting between disease causing factors (pathogens, chemicals, stress) and the ability of the human body (immunity, actively functioning internal organs) to fight off these pathogenic factors. The human body’s ability to fight disease, comes from maintaining internal Yin-Yang balance (homeostasis), good energy flow (Qi) and optimal blood circulation. If the balance of the body is impaired, the internal organs will be weakened and their functions impaired. If the energy flow and blood circulation are obstructed, internal waste and toxins can accumulate in the body that promote disease and dysfunction.
An individual’s health is mainly dependent upon their own unique Yin-Yang balance, energy flow, and blood circulation. This is the reason why some people, even though they share the same environment, catch the flu while others don’t. Bacteria and viruses are everywhere, whether a person becomes ill or not is due to the state of their internal health. Among the patients that do become ill with the flu, some will recover shortly, while others will develop secondary illnesses such as sinus infection, ear infection, bronchitis, or even pneumonia. It all depends on their overall body health status.
Understanding Traditional Chinese Medicine:
- The human body is considered to be a holistic, interconnected system. The mind and body cannot be separated and must be considered together for best results.
- TCM addresses the root problem, to cure disease and disorders instead of the treatment of symptoms alone.
- From a Chinese medicine perspective, each patient is considered to be biochemically unique. This means that no two people are exactly alike or respond to disease in the same way. That means each patient can have different signs or symptoms depending on their own unique constitution. Therefore, a unique treatment plan will be required to address the patient’s individual medical condition. Dr. Li will prescribe an initial treatment protocol that will require modification over time. What this means is that over time, the patient’s condition is expected to change with treatment. Ongoing treatments must then be modified to appropriately address currently existing signs and symptoms. Patients can expect their acupuncture and herbal treatments to change according to their response in order to get the best clinical results.
- TCM can encourage and direct the body to heal itself by manipulation of the body’s balance. From a Western perspective, this corresponds to adjustment of the body’s overall metabolism, immune system, neuro-endocrine and circulatory system. The goal of Chinese medicine is to cure the disease or disorder. If this is not possible, then the goal is to decrease the amount of drugs a person must take to maintain their health and provide the highest quality of life possible depending on the problem.
- Traditional Chinese Medicine is especially effective for chronic and functional diseases. In particular, it is highly effective for the treatment and management of chronic musculo-skeletal pain. Chinese medicine is often used in combination with conventional medical drugs for the managment of chronic pain. Functional diseases that are often succesfully managed by Chinese medicine include diabetes, organ failure, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, cancer, and asthma.